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How the US Benefits From Foreign Aid to Morocco

U.S. benefits from foreign aid to Morocco
Morocco is an African country full of vibrant colors and vast potential. The U.S. has a planned budget of $15.9 million for Moroccan foreign aid in 2019. This money is spent advancing the U.S.’s development goals in Morocco, which include: maintaining peace and security, democracy, human rights and governance, economic development, education and social services within the country. So what are the U.S. benefits from foreign aid to Morocco?

U.S. Benefits from Foreign Aid to Morocco: Security

First, and arguably the most important of the U.S. benefits from foreign aid to Morocco, comes from the increase of security. By sending foreign aid to Morocco, the U.S. minimizes terrorist threats in the country. More than $8 million will be spent on counter-terrorism efforts, combating weapons of mass destruction, stabilization operations and security sector reform. While Morocco might seem distant, its security is of importance to the U.S.

The U.S. actively works to fight terrorism and combat extremist groups throughout the globe. Sending foreign aid to Morocco is one way to continue fighting terrorism. Foreign aid in Morocco is also sent to benefit democracy, human rights and governance. The Department of State breaks this into two spending categories: Rule of Law and Human Rights and Good Governance.

U.S. Benefits from Foreign Aid to Morocco: Economy

The aid that is sent in an effort to support good governance works to increase public participation and enforcement of the separation of powers through a checks and balances system. Keeping Morocco (and any country for that matter) politically stable and transparent benefits the U.S. ethically, economically and politically.

Economically, the Department of State has allocated $2.5 million in 2019 for economic development in Morocco. This aid aims to improve policies, laws and regulations within the private sector in an effort to give Morocco the ability to compete nationally and internationally. This improves trade and international policies for all states involved, including the U.S.

U.S. Benefits from Foreign Aid to Morocco: Education

Lastly, the U.S. benefits from foreign aid to Morocco by improving Moroccan education and social services. Education, as a universal human right, should be ensured in every nation and benefits the entire world. Education is crucial in improving economic stability and increasing annual gross domestic product within a country. Within the U.S., education has been an important part of the country’s foreign assistance strategy for decades.

The U.S. benefits from foreign aid to Morocco by supporting peace and stability within their security efforts, advocating for good governance ethically, advancing trade and international policies economically and by improving education and social service strategies.

– Haley Hine

Photo: Pxhere