
Heart Disease Leads Common Diseases in Germany

Common Diseases in Germany
Germany is historically one of the most powerful nations on the planet, and its healthcare system is universal for all legal residents. They are able to combat many of the common diseases in Germany and continue to break through barriers and make advancements in treatments.

With the universal coverage for all legal residents, 85% of the population is covered by social health insurance and 10% by substitutive private health insurance, and the rest is covered by special programs. Everyone in the country is covered in some form or fashion. Germany is one of the most affected in the world by heart disease; they are ranked eighth in the world for the highest rate of death attributed to heart disease. More than 310 people per year of every 100,000 die from heart disease in Germany. This is higher than the rates of both the United States and the United Kingdom. It is the most common disease and the most common cause of death in Germany.

Germany is one of the most affected in the world by heart disease; it is ranked eighth in the world for the highest rate of death attributed to heart disease. More than 310 people per year of every 100,000 die from heart disease in Germany. This is higher than the rates of both the United States and the United Kingdom. It is the most common disease and the most common cause of death in Germany.

Other common diseases in Germany aside from heart disease are Alzheimer’s disease and various cancers. The majority of the diseases are noncommunicable with only lower respiratory infections as the only major communicable disease in Germany.
Germany has one of the higher frequencies of different types of cancer in the world. Germany ranks eighteenth in the world for both sexes: eighteenth in males, and twentieth in females. There are many high-end cancer hospitals and clinics that offer high-end technology in an effort to combat the severity of cancer.

Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia diseases are a major focus in Germany. People are able to receive a diagnosis of dementia diseases thanks to the German Alzheimer’s Association. With the lack of specialists in certain areas in Germany, it can take months to see specialists, and it may be easier for some to get a diagnosis on the spot. The good news is there is research conducted each year and all of the major Alzheimer’s drugs and treatments are available in Germany.

A major push that many in Germany are making is to eliminate the risk factors that plague the country and much of the world. It may reduce some of the problems that some in the country are facing. Risk factors in Germany include dietary risks, high blood pressure and tobacco smoke to round out the top three. Reducing these lifestyle risk factors that may contribute to these diseases can help maintain the downward trend of some diseases.

Germany has some of the best care in the world and there have been steps taken to ensure that the common diseases in Germany decrease as much as possible over the next few years. There is still work to be done, especially with heart disease, but the technology and policy priorities are looking in the right direction and helping the citizens of Germany.

Brendin Axtman

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