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What All for One Is Doing To Reduce Child Poverty in Belize

All for OneBelize is situated in Central America and struggles with high amounts of poverty. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), almost half of Belizean children live in multidimensional poverty and more than a third of the population in Belize lives in multidimensional poverty. All For One found that in 2015, primary school completion in Belize was below 87%, contributing further to the high amount of poverty, especially child poverty, in Belize. However, All For One has recognized the vital necessity for intervention in child poverty to help alleviate poverty in Belize.

Child Poverty in Belize

Belize faces multiple obstacles as a country, making alleviating poverty extremely challenging. Belize faces internal social and economic pressures, alongside coping with the effects of climate change, regional economic and political events and migration patterns, all contributing to its challenges.

UNICEF found that only 55% of children have access to quality early childhood education, but 27% of the schools that UNICEF inspected have contaminated water, contributing to the high numbers of diseases among children in Belize.

There’s a significant link between education and poverty, underscoring children’s need to attend school. Education is crucial for equipping them with the skills they need in adulthood. It is also essential for the community to break the perpetual cycle of poverty. Education offers a way out of this cycle, improving the quality of life for the children and society.

What All for One Is Doing

All For One, a nonprofit international and domestic organization, aims to improve communities worldwide through focused efforts to develop children and create healthy environments and educational opportunities. The organization works worldwide, especially in Africa, but has worked considerably in Belize to improve the lives of so many children.

All For One has provided financial assistance to the Mesopotamia Human and Social Development Foundation in Belize City. The foundation aims to empower children through a resource center that offers after-school programs. These programs include computer literacy training for high school students, youth leadership workshops, creative arts, sports and entrepreneurship coaching.

All these programs aim to enable children to have the best possible start in life and equip them with the skills necessary to succeed. Not only does the foundation offer education, but it also provides a food bank and a school feeding program to address the high number of malnourished children.

All For One aims to improve children’s learning potential. To achieve this, the organization has partnered with an educational outreach program to provide basic educational supplies such as book bags, pens, pencils and notebooks. These essential items are typically out of reach for many children due to financial constraints and providing them can help children thrive in their education.


There is a clear connection between poverty and education. All for One aims to improve children’s learning experience through funding to prevent more children from living in poverty in Belize.

– Cordelia Moore
Photo: Flickr