How the US Benefits From Foreign Aid to the Dominican Republic

How the US Benefits From Foreign Aid to the Dominican Republic
The Dominican Republic is a small country, a fact that should not serve as an influencer in international affairs, and despite its size, the Dominican Republic came to serve as a major trading port and hub for the developing Americas in its early history. As a result, the small country still plays a huge international role and the U.S. benefits from foreign aid to the Dominican Republic.

Trade Economy

According the U.S. Department of State, the Dominican Republic is a strong partner of the U.S. because it still holds the title of second-largest economy in the Caribbean. The Dominican Republic has a strong bilateral trade economy with the U.S., and its economy is increasing steadily, making it one of the most economically stable countries in the region.

This being said, the Dominican Republic still has an issue with governmental impairment: numerous coups and upheaval has led to U.S. involvement to build lasting economies in the region. Before the U.S. benefits from foreign aid to the Dominican Republic, it has to help maintain the balance between state and its people.

U.S. Programs

The U.S. Agency for International Aid offers short-term and long-term solutions for three major programs in the Dominican Republic:

  • Maintaining HIV/AIDS prevention and building an AIDS-free generations
  • Helping control climate change and create sustainable infrastructure
  • Aiding in crime prevention in the region

According to their website, USAID states that the Dominican Republic has high literacy rates, but that hunger and food security levels are at only half capacity. The U.S. can help the Dominican Republic build food security, as it helps in all these other areas. But what will the U.S. gain in return?

U.S. Benefits from Foreign Aid to the Dominican Republic

The U.S. benefits from foreign aid to the Dominican Republic through the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement  — the trade agreement ties the U.S. to five other countries in respect to labor, manufacturing and opportunity creations. What the U.S. donates in funds, it receives in commodities, and vice versa. The U.S. benefits from foreign aid to the Dominican Republic specifically through the supply of medical appliances, electric components, textiles, minerals and tobacco.

The Dominican Republic is perhaps one of the most solid trading partners the U.S. has, and with consistent aid and communication on both ends, there is no reason that the Dominican Republic can not benefit just as much from the U.S. as the U.S. benefits from foreign aid to the Dominican Republic.

– Molly Atchison

Photo: Flickr