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5 Social Movements Fighting Global Poverty

Social Movements Fighting Global PovertyActivism against social injustice is increasingly visible, both through social media and street protests. The digital world offers activists opportunities to voice their concerns, from digital petitions to crowdfunding pages. Currently, social movements employ innovative resources and techniques in efforts to end poverty. Here are five inspiring social movements fighting global poverty.

Make Poverty History (MPO)

Founded during the 2005 G8 summit, MPO emerged as world leaders convened to tackle global challenges. This gathering catalyzed the formation of movements focused on raising awareness. MPO, leveraging the summit’s political prominence, succeeded in mobilizing both the general public and influential leaders. Notably, the Live 8 event, broadcast globally, captured the attention of three billion viewers, effectively highlighting the need for overseas aid in Africa. This extensive exposure contributed to a significant commitment by the summit’s leaders: an agreement to increase international aid by $48 billion annually by 2010. MPO’s legacy continues to influence both public consciousness and political commitments to overseas aid, demonstrating the enduring impact of coordinated, global advocacy efforts against poverty. 

The Global Citizen Movement

The Global Citizen Movement is an active campaign centered on defeating poverty, demanding equity and defending the planet. These goals drive the actions taken and significantly impact the living conditions of those in poverty. The movement organizes three specific campaigns aligned with these objectives. “Stop Hunger Crisis Now” aims to minimize the global hunger gap through aid and support. “Power Our Planet” promotes awareness of sustainable energy practices that can transform our use of infrastructure. “Free Up Our Funds” addresses malpractice in investments with a focus on ethical practices.

Social Watch

Social Watch is an international network of organizations dedicated to connecting people across borders. Spanning over 70 countries, it aims to eliminate all forms of racism and injustice, with a particular focus on the injustices linked to poverty and discrimination. Social Watch regularly produces reports that inform readers about significant global events impacting those suffering from poverty. Additionally, the movement utilizes its Global Policy Watch to keep people informed about key policies being developed and enacted. It promotes and explains policies with the potential to alleviate poverty, thereby raising awareness about developments and solutions related to these pressing issues.

Landless Workers Movement

The Landless Workers’ Movement, established in Brazil in 1984, continues to champion the cause of greater autonomy for land workers three decades after its inception. The organization’s primary objective is the redistribution of land to rural workers to enable them to engage in independent small-scale farming. This initiative aims to provide these workers with a stable income source and improve their living conditions by moving away from unreliable day labor. The movement also has a significant presence in Brazil’s educational sector, where it focuses on imparting agricultural skills to both adults and children, fostering self-sufficiency. Furthermore, the movement advocates for sustainable farming practices as a means to alleviate poverty in rural communities.

International Trade Union Confederation

Trade unions serve as a pivotal mechanism for workers to unite and address unjust working conditions. By forming a confederation, these unions connect movements across the globe, facilitating the exchange of experiences and resources among workers. This global network enables collaborative efforts to enhance the lives of workers universally. The movement’s primary focus is on promoting workers’ rights, often employing a coalition-forming strategy to strengthen its impact. Currently, the confederation is spearheading a “For Democracy” campaign aimed at ensuring those in power uphold the rights of workers worldwide. Additionally, the organization is advocating for a new social contract to empower individuals in their pursuit of stable employment.

Looking Ahead

Activism against social injustice continues to grow, with both historical and modern movements striving to address global poverty. Social movements fighting global poverty like Make Poverty History, the Global Citizen Movement, Social Watch, the Landless Workers Movement and the International Trade Union Confederation are leading the charge with diverse strategies to raise awareness and drive policy changes. By harnessing both digital tools and on-the-ground efforts, these movements work toward creating a more equitable world.

– Sarah Littleton

Sarah is based in London, UK and focuses on Good News and Politics for The Borgen Project.

Photo: Unsplash