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7 NGOs Safeguarding Overseas Filipino Workers

7 NGOs Safeguarding Overseas Filipino WorkersThe Philippines, a nation marked by vibrant culture and rapid economic development, faces significant challenges, including widespread poverty and a vast economic disparity between social classes. These ongoing issues compel many Filipinos to seek employment overseas. Known as Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), these individuals often face difficult working conditions, including exploitation and harsh work environments, while striving to support their families through remittances. These financial contributions are vital, lifting many households out of poverty and supporting the broader Philippine economy.

Despite the vital role they play, OFWs often contend with insufficient protection and recognition of their rights. To address these issues, the Philippine government and various nongovernmental organizations are actively working to improve conditions for OFWs, advocating for their rights and providing essential services to ensure their welfare and security. This concerted effort aims to safeguard the well-being of OFWs and optimize the benefits of their economic contributions to the country. Here are some of the NGOs supporting OFWs:

Unlad Kabayan

UNLAD Kabayan focuses on enhancing the business skills of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). Earning higher wages than their counterparts in the Philippines does not always translate to financial savvy; many OFWs, despite years of working abroad, return home without substantial savings. Established in 1996, UNLAD Kabayan equips OFWs with essential knowledge to effectively invest their earnings and start businesses. The organization also supports OFWs in adjusting back to life in the Philippines, aiding their reintegration into Philippine society. This comprehensive approach aims to ensure that OFWs can secure their financial futures and contribute positively to their communities.

The Economic Resource Centre for Overseas Workers

Filipinos working abroad often encounter numerous challenges, from accidents and financial shortages to mistreatment by employers, including unpaid wages. The Economic Resource Centre for Overseas Workers, a nongovernmental organization, provides essential economic resources to support these individuals during such difficulties. The organizations’s efforts help mitigate the impact of unexpected adversities, ensuring that OFWs have the necessary support to address their immediate financial needs.


Many OFWs seek employment abroad with plans to retire in the Philippines once they have accumulated sufficient funds. However, some opt to migrate permanently to their host countries, drawn by better economic opportunities. Such migrations can be costly, requiring substantial support for the workers and their families. This is where ATIKHA, a dedicated organization, excels. Its primary goal is to assist OFW families during their migration process, providing the necessary guidance and resources to facilitate their transition to a new country.


Founded in Geneva, Switzerland, KAKKAMPI is an association dedicated to supporting Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs). The organization provides a broad spectrum of services, including funding classes and loans, designed to enhance financial security for OFWs. Through these ongoing efforts, KAKKAMPI aims to safeguard OFWs from exploitation and ensure they have the financial resources necessary to succeed.


WE AIM OFW collaborates closely with the Philippine government to support the One Model and Great Community (OMG) initiative. This comprehensive program encompasses various aspects such as financial support, housing funds, livelihood programs and scholarships. The organization empowers Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) to manage their earnings wisely and contribute positively to their communities, ensuring their financial stability and community development.

Center For Migrant Advocacy

Founded in 2002, the Center For Migrant Advocacy dedicates itself to enhancing the welfare of overseas workers globally. The organization achieves its goals through policy advocacy, networking, information dissemination, direct assistance and capability building. Key initiatives include encouraging overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) to report any abuses they or their peers endure. By raising awareness of OFW rights and welfare, the organization plays a crucial role in protecting these rights. Additionally, the Center For Migrant Advocacy offers various volunteer opportunities, empowering individuals to contribute to meaningful change.

Global Filipino Movement

The Global Filipino Movement, established by various Christian groups, provides emotional and spiritual support to overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). Recognizing the Philippines’ predominantly Christian background, the organization acknowledges the significant role faith plays for OFWs facing loneliness and hardship abroad. The NGO delivers ministry services to OFWs and their families, helping them cope during challenging periods. Active for 13 years, the Global Filipino Movement has been instrumental in bolstering the resilience of Filipino families through tough times.

Looking Ahead

The ongoing efforts to support OFWs can potentially bring about the security of their financial futures, thereby positively impacting both home and host countries. Continued advocacy and support could be vital in addressing the challenges faced by OFWs and maximizing the benefits of their contributions.

– Neil Misola

Neil is based in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada and focuses on Business and Good News for The Borgen Project.

Photo: Pexels