Mercy for HaitiHaiti is the second-largest island in the Caribbean, situated southeast of Cuba. Despite its beauty, Haiti is not only the poorest country in the Americas but one of the poorest countries in the world. In fact, in 2012, the official poverty estimates showed that more than 6 million people in Haiti lived below the poverty line. Additionally, more than 2 million were in extreme poverty.

In 2022, the population was reported to be 11.58 million people. This suggests that more than half of the Haitian population lives in poverty. Statistics also show that about one in five kids die before the age of 6 and that more than 400,000 children are orphans because of the country’s circumstances. However, the people of Haiti are being led to change with the help of a nonprofit organization.

The Mighty Fall

Instability can be blamed for Haiti’s fall from the top. Haiti constantly finds itself in a battle with instability caused by weather, political, social and developmental instability. Examples of this can be seen in its misplaced use of disaster aid and in its lack of access to work services. These actions have caused the country to rely on external revenue and farming. However, with the loss of value in its currency, not even this is enough to keep the nation afloat.

Political and social instability is another thing that Haiti has seen time and time again. Examples are the assassination of the nation’s president in July of 2021 and the population continuing to face tragedy with the inability to support themselves and family. Haiti is also home to gangs that prevent its people from leading their lives. These gangs have ruined many homes and families.

And so, between its unfavorable weather conditions from being placed on a fault line, facing debt with currency deflation and a lack of suitable income and gang violence, Haiti has found itself stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Mercy for Haiti

Despite the odds against it, Haiti has been shown grace by a nonprofit organization called Mercy International. Mercy International was founded by Dr. John Leigner, who felt “led” to aid the people of Haiti after he visited the country in 1974. With more than 100 visits and more than 50 years of work, Leigner and Mercy International are making great impacts.

Mercy International aims to rebuild the community with a helping hand from the gospel. This aim is followed through projects for medical facilities, housing and much more. The movement of this trajectory is nothing short of great for Haiti, considering the mass amounts of poverty, homelessness and orphans in the country.

Mercy’s Impacts in Haiti

Mercy International has established at least three villages in Haiti. This has enabled many residents to move from tent cities into permanent homes. In response to the devastating earthquakes in 2010 and 2020, as well as the 2016 hurricane, Mercy International has been deeply committed to addressing the urgent needs of the Haitian people.

Following these catastrophes, Mercy International built its first village in 2010, providing housing for around 700 people. Despite the subsequent storms, Mercy International persisted, establishing two more villages in southern Haiti. These villages offer more than just housing; they support residents with churches, educational programs and food initiatives.

The initiative’s educational programs in these villages have been particularly successful, resulting in many college graduates. This has been made possible through the dedication of volunteers, sponsorship and donations.

A Good Change

The work of Mercy International is crucial in a country like Haiti, where approximately 1,300 tent cities house an estimated 1.5 million people. Additionally, less than 60% of children attend primary school and 80% do not attend secondary school. The villages, education and supportive community provided by Mercy International are incredibly needed and impactful for the people.

Thanks to Mercy International, Haiti now has three new villages. This is in addition to education, housing, health care and food to support its citizens. As Mercy International continues to lead change in Haiti, more lives will be touched and more change will be seen.

– Yeliz Turkdil

Yeliz is based in Norman, OK, USA and focuses on Good News for The Borgen Project.

Photo: Fickr