The EU Farm to Fork Strategy
Recently, the European Union Green Deal created a new food security strategy called the “Farm to Fork Strategy.” The European Union Green deal aims to make Europe the most climate-neutral continent and the Farm to Fork strategy is at the heart of this goal. Farm to Fork is a directive designed to “ensure food security, nutrition and public health, making sure that everyone has access to sufficient, safe, nutritious food.” The EU particularly noted that global food systems cannot be resilient during times of crisis such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, unless food systems are sustainable. The EU further noted that food systems need to be redesigned in order to reduce negative impacts on the environment.
The Farm to Fork Strategy
On June 2, 2020, The EU dedicated €10 billion towards developing the start of the program by donating towards “the research and innovation of food, bioeconomy, natural resources, agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture and the environment” along with developing new technology to find a nature-based solution for naturally grown food, that is also sustainable year-round and throughout multiple years, by growing annuals in the farms of European countries. This trial run, done exclusively in Europe, hopes to be a pioneer in agriculture, destined to help millions globally once the project receives more traction.
The Farm to Fork Strategy stands in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and not only plans to provide more sustainable food sources but will also provide aid to issues such as global warming, pollution, deforestation and overfishing. The overall goal is to “ensure food security and create a safe food environment” globally.
The Main Goals of Farm to Fork:
- Ensuring sustainable food production;
- Ensuring food security;
- Stimulating sustainable food processing, wholesale, retail, hospitality and food services practices;
- Promoting sustainable food consumption and facilitating the shift to healthy, sustainable diets;
- Reducing food loss and waste;
- Combating food fraud along the food supply chain.
This detailed plan, if executed properly, is estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and global food shortages. Targets that are essential to meet in order to reach the environmental and food safety goals of Farm to Fork are:
- a reduction by 50% in the use of chemical and hazardous pesticides by 2030;
- a reduction of nutrient losses by at least 50% while ensuring that there is no deterioration in soil fertility;
- a reduction in the use of fertilizers by at least 20% by 2030;
- a reduction of overall EU sales of antimicrobials for farmed animals and aquaculture of 50% by 2030;
- reaching 25% of agricultural land under organic farming by 2030.
The Potential Impact of Farm to Fork
With the use of the Farm to Fork Strategy, the entire world could be more self-sustaining. The initiative could help millions around the world who struggle with food scarcity, making sustainable agriculture one of the most important fields in society. Farm to Fork helps not only food scarcity but the environment as a whole as well. Farm to Fork aims to do more than just curb global hunger, ultimately, aiming to make the planet a better place as a whole.
– Alexis LeBaron
Photo: Flickr