
Digital Health in Developing Nations: The Pioneering WHO Initiative

Digital Health in Developing NationsIn a historic development, the World Health Organization (WHO), in collaboration with the G20 India presidency, launched the “Global Initiative on Digital Health” (GIDH) in August 2023. This groundbreaking initiative signifies a united endeavor to strengthen digital health care services in both developing nations and across the globe. The GIDH has aligned with the Global Strategy on Digital Health 2020–2025 objectives, aiming for a transformative global shift in health systems through innovative digital solutions. This significant development was announced during the Health Minister’s Meeting at the G20 Summit in India, showcasing a global commitment to health advancements.

GIDH: A Network Spearheaded by WHO

The GIDH operates as a network overseen by the WHO, providing a vital platform for consolidating global standards, disseminating best practices and facilitating essential resources. This strategic collaboration is pivotal in accelerating the transformation of digital health systems in developing nations. The WHO serves as a secretariat for the initiative. Reaffirms its commitment to aiding countries in enhancing their health care capacities and ensuring access to quality digital health solutions.

The Evolution of Digital Health and COVID-19’s Impact

The digital health domain has significantly transformed since the WHO endorsed e-health in 2005. More than 120 members of the WHO have established national digital health policies or strategies, marking a worldwide trend toward integrating technology within the health care sector.

Before the outbreak of COVID-19, the field of digital health was steadily progressing. Telemedicine has shown significant potential in improving health care delivery and alleviating poverty in developing countries. Studies have indicated that telemedicine can effectively address health care needs in regions with limited resources and hard-to-reach populations. By offering remote medical services, telemedicine can ease the burden on overtaxed health care systems and relieve those most affected by health care costs.

In Africa, telemedicine is crucial for delivering health care to isolated villages without access to traditional medical facilities. It promotes social transformation and mobility while significantly enhancing the treatment of communicable and non-communicable diseases and supporting health infrastructure. Adoption of telemedicine in these regions can alleviate poverty among vulnerable groups.

In this context, the pandemic accelerated widespread adoption and integration into health care systems worldwide. This period has highlighted the crucial need for robust digital health infrastructures, emphasizing effective governance, well-developed policy frameworks and a proficient workforce that adapts and maintains digital health technologies.

During the G20 Health Ministers’ Meeting in August, participants emphasized the vital role of digital health in developing nations and across various national health care systems. For instance, the Health Minister of Saudi Arabia highlighted the significant contribution of telemedicine and the potential of innovative technologies like artificial intelligence in health care. The Indonesian representative discussed efforts to establish health databases, which are crucial for digitizing health records. Brazil’s Health Minister also underscored the importance of digital health in achieving universal health coverage, focusing on data protection and ensuring equitable access.

Goals and Focus of the GIDH

The GIDH is committed to achieving measurable outcomes through:

  • Developing priority-driven investment plans for digital health transformation.
  • Enhancing transparency and reporting in digital health.
  • Encouraging knowledge sharing and collaboration for rapid progress.
  • Advocating for integrated government approaches in digital health governance.
  • Boosting technical and financial support for implementing the Global Digital Health Strategy 2020–2025.

The Transformative Potential of Digital Health

The role of digital health initiatives in enhancing health care outcomes is gaining significant recognition, especially in achieving Universal Health Coverage and meeting Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. These digital interventions encompass a wide array of applications, ranging from aiding individuals in managing their health to assisting health care providers in upholding exemplary standards of care. Moreover, they are pivotal in fortifying health care systems by enhancing supply chain management and optimizing workforce efficiency.

A Milestone in Global Health Efforts

The G20 Health Working Group witnessed a historic moment with the inception of GIDH, showcasing a collective commitment by G20 nations toward a common health goal. This initiative, especially crucial amid the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, aims to promote collaboration, exchange of knowledge and the establishment of robust digital health infrastructures. It aligns with the overarching objective of improving health services delivery, significantly advancing global health cooperation and innovation, particularly in developing nations.

– Matilde Liboni
Photo: Pexels