Dance Education Through Movement Choirs

Movement is freedom, flow, connection to oneself. Dancing can be a beautiful form of self-expression and can help you in more ways than one. Studies show that any type of movement improves our creativity, fitness, mental health, relationships with others and ourselves. The Laban Dance Movement Choir is aware of this and opens up the teachings of dance and movement to any human being no matter their size, age, gender, appearance or experience level.

A movement choir’s main goal is for participants to touch and enhance their inner being. Focusing on the simplicity and beauty of the movement, as well as connecting with oneself and others. The union is formed around dance, not designed to perform to an audience but to perform for those participating. Movement choirs are very easily accessible within a community and are known to boost a sense of community morale, brightening moods, forming bonds and increasing the quality of life in an area.

In a typical movement choir, large group of people will typically meet up for a couple hours in the scheduled date and work together to create a beautiful piece of choreography called a “choir.” The idea of a movement choir originated in the 1920s by Rudolf Von Laban, who was a choreographer and performer originally based in Germany and then moved to the UK.

In these days of short conversations, electronics, and everyone in a rush, movement choirs focus on self-expression in the present moment. The connection with the music, people and movement results in a successful movement choir.

No matter the skill level, a movement choir is worth a try if you are looking for a new way to connect with people, establish relationships, do some physical fitness, or learn how to dance in general, no matter what the movement choir is always open to participants.

Currently, movement choirs are most popular in UK and Germany and are slowly but surely becoming a global trend.

– Charisma Thapa

Sources: Positive News, Movement Choir, Laban Guild
Photo: Movement Research