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UN Announces Significant Reduction in AIDS Related Deaths

UN Significant Reduction AIDS Related Deaths
A new report by the United Nations announced a reduction in the number of people who die from AIDS and AIDS related illnesses. There are currently 35.3 million people living with AIDS around the world, and thanks to improved access to health care services and medicine, the number of people dying from the disease has decreased from 2.3 million in 2005 to 1.7 million in 2011 and finally to 1.6 million in 2012.

UN representatives are optimistic about the future of HIV/AIDS infections in developing countries. Already, the number of new cases among children has dropped by 52 percent and a combined 33 percent for adults and children. This can be largely contributed to a 20 percent increase in AIDS treatment known as anti-retroviral treatment in one year. This means that an additional 9.7 million people have access to the treatment. Now that this dramatic decrease is underway, the UN wants to continue the trend by pledging to reach 15 million people with HIV/AIDS by 2015. Michel Sidib, the UNAIDS executive director, was adamant that these goals should be met and then surpassed. He explained, “Not only can we meet the 2015 target of 15 million people on HIV treatment, we must also go beyond and have the vision and commitment to ensure no one is left behind.”

These ambitious plans, however, will require significant funding. The current budget of $18.9 billion will be insufficient for the estimated budget of $22 billion annually to reach the UN’s goals by 2015.

Representatives of the United Nations are excited and hopeful about reaching the necessary budget and providing vital AIDS treatment to millions of people in the Third World. To read more visit First Post here.

– Mary Penn

Sources: Huffington Post, First Post
Photo: Photopin