The Importance of Advocacy
One year, two months, twenty-nine days, and thirteen hours. This is the amount of time until the year 2015. Why is this important? This specific year is when some people believe global poverty will end. This a monumental task to take on within the following two years, and many individuals are wondering if it is even humanly possible.
The answer is yes, this is possible. Several organizations, such as the End Poverty 2015 Millennium Campaign and the United Nations, believe it is quite possible to see an end to global poverty within the next two years. Yet, to achieve this goal there is a need for advocacy from every single individual within society today. Every individual can make a difference, and with their help the importance of advocacy can be realized by the year 2015.
Many ponder the idea of how they can help. There are numerous ways to help, such as taking on the Citizen Action Challenge, where individuals are called to action to check on their local government’s service delivery to this global cause. All citizens have a right to check on the problems and delays within this delivery, and can report issues to their local government. By doing so, Civil Society holds the government accountable for continuing to send aid and work towards improving lives at an increasing rate. By taking the Citizen Action Challenge, individuals are able to reach out to higher authorities, to scrutinize the slow delivery process of water, the trouble obtaining nutritious food, the access to education, and so on. By reporting on these issues, it helps different governments speed up the process of deliverables to the individuals that need them, and help moves towards the bigger goal of ending global poverty.
Individuals can also help by joining an organization they believe makes a difference. By taking part in a non-profit organization or a business with the goal to help those in need in third world countries, individuals are becoming strong, determined advocates. Within these organizations, individuals can participate by traveling and committing to service work to help those in need, can help establish fundraisers to help the organization of their choice, and can even personally donate funds or resources to the organization.
The End Poverty 2015 Millennium Campaign stresses that every organization should do its part to help end global poverty. By taking on the challenges of extreme poverty and hunger, universal primary education, gender equality, infant mortality, maternal health care, global partnership, and environmental sustainability, it is highly possible to see an end to global poverty issues by 2015. By becoming an advocate and taking part in the fight, the goal becomes closer to reality.
Overall, organizations make a true difference within society by helping those in need within third world countries. Yet, the largest contribution to end global poverty is by getting involved, spreading advocacy, and contributing to causes.
With individual help, it is possible to see global poverty end by 2015.
Sources: End Poverty, UN MDG, UNRIC, Global Engage
Photo: East Bay Express