Lili Masseran

Name: Lili Masseran
Location: London, United Kingdom
Role: Political Affairs Team Member

Fundraising Goal: £400

How did you get interested in global issues?
The 2015 Paris attacks and 2016 Brussels attacks, which affected my community.

Why are you volunteering your time to serve the world’s poor?
People living in poverty do not have access to basic necessities or the resources to help them; without our actions and demands towards representants, change is not possible.

Any interesting tidbits to share?
Cinema, travelling (this picture dates from 2018 in Peru)


To support Lili Masseran’s Fundraising Campaign, as you make your donation, click on ‘+ Donating on Behalf of’ and enter their name.



Direct Bank Transfer:

To transfer funds directly to our bank account, from a UK bank account, at no cost, please use the details below:

Account holder: The Borgen Project

Sort code: 23-14-70

Account number: 62555851

IBAN: GB56 TRWI 2314 7062 5558 51


Donate with Popular Phone Apps:

Cash App ($theborgenproject) or Venmo.


“Having made tremendous strides on behalf of impoverished families throughout the world, I applaud The Borgen Project for its tireless commitment to ending global poverty. Through strategic advocacy and public education, you are helping to shape U.S. policy for the betterment of mankind. We are proud to be home to visionary groups like The Borgen Project. You represent the best of who we are as a state and as a people – insightful thinkers, proactive leaders and inspiring problem-solvers, who are committed to redefining what is possible and, ultimately, to changing the world.”

– Gov. Jay Inslee (WA)





The Borgen Project received the Gold Star Seal of Transparency from GuideStar, the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations. Read the entire GuideStar profile of The Borgen Project.