
Rachel Bergsieker (Indiannopolis, IN) – Rachel reached out to Radio Disney about doing a story on The Borgen Project and ended up going on live radio to discuss the cause. On another initiative, she was interviewed on the World Food Programs blog.


Carissa K. (Lacrosse, WI) – Hosted a hunger awareness event on her campus.



Greg V. (Richardson, TX) – Arrange for a full page interview about The Borgen Project in the Dallas Telegraph.



Jessica Muellar-Pearson (New Orleans, LA) – Donated her wedding. Jessica and her fiance encouraged guests to make a donation to The Borgen Project instead of giving wedding gifts. Signed The Borgen Project up for Macy’s shop for a cause event.



Mohamed Abdirahman(Portland, ME) – Arranged a weekly “Jeans Day” at his lawfirm and raise $350 in a month. On designated days, employees were allowed to wear jeans if they put a set amount in the donation jar.



Brent Maxim (Fayetteville, AR) – Brent raised hundreds of dollars using Square. The credit card swiping device attaches to cellphones allowing Brent to accept donations on behalf of the organization whenever discussing with aqcuantences or at events.



Nour Div (New York, NY) – Raised $750 on Crowdrise through her friends and family fundraising campaign.



Jordan Edward, Matthew, Lara Sip (Athens, GA). Matthew started a student group at the University of Athens. Edward and then Lara continued The Borgen Project student group.



Lara Sipe – Lara has been skilled at staying in front of her Congressional leaders. She attends townhalls and maintains regular contact including lobbying meetings.



Chase Engelhardt – While most congressional staffers are helpful (that’s their job), Chase encountered a rogue obnoxious staffer who told him over the phone “the congressman doesn’t believe in wasting taxpayers money outside of the United States.” The staffer also referred to foreign aid as “extortion” and told Chase “you can’t just come in here and make noise.” Chase remained persistent and a month later he was in the Congressman’s office meeting with a different staffer. The staffer he met with was great and the meetings ended up lasting 45 minutes.