Name: Anastasia Brown
Location: London, England
Role: Writer/Journalist
Fundraising Goal: 400-550 pounds
Hey there! My name is Anastasia & I am a journalist intern at The Borgen Project, as I am so keen to embrace and share their beautifully moving goals to aid Global Poverty. As the world can be a challenging place for many, I so want to bring people together and spread peace amongst the difficulty. Reaching out to the UK (and abroad) government/s to involve them and ask for their support on foreign aid, world hunger, and a post-pandemic planet is so much of what this project is about. To research and write for them is a joy and I hope to continue to spread their incredible messages. One of the ways to spread this message and be the change you want to see in the world is to donate! As a member of this project, I am fundraising to support the development of this ongoing project, meaning that you to can be involved in the governmental/charity work that we do. Thank you oh so very much!
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